Are you ready to push your limits? On September 14, 2024, starting at 10:00 AM, we invite you to the 3rd edition of the Arka Park Race, a race designed for everyone who wants to prove they can do more, no matter the circumstances!
Arka Park Race is an event organized under the guidance of OCR Romania, the founding organization of the Federation of Obstacle Sports in Romania, officially recognized by the International Obstacle Sports Federation in Lausanne.
What does it involve?
A captivating race for people over 14 years old, combining 5 km of running with a course full of obstacles.
Rule: All obstacles must be attempted at least once. If participants cannot complete an obstacle, the penalty is 10 squats.
Event Program:
Difficulty Level: Medium-difficult.
Prepare yourself physically and mentally for the race, and sign up to know your limits, so you can surpass them in future editions.
Competition Registration:
You can register by emailing or using the form below.
Participation fee: 100 RON/participant.
Payment is made to the IBAN account: RO09INGB0000999903110084 - ARKA SPORT SRL
Payment details: Arka Park Race 2024 - Participant's Name.
*Registrations can also be made in teams. Bring 3 friends to the competition, register your team for the contest, and participate in all the adventure challenges in the Arka Park Adventure Race. The rule is that each team must have at least one female member.
We provide transport for all participants from Sibiu.
Other details:
The program may be modified depending on the number of participants, weather conditions, or other organizational issues, but don't worry - we will contact you and inform you of any changes.
Completează formularul si trimite-l pentru a te inscrie la eveniment.