
Strada Frigoriferului, Nr. 6,
Sibiu, Romania
vezi in Google Maps

Telefon: 0720 444 5260724 892 677


ARKA PARK INDOOR CLIMBING SIBIU operating schedule in 2024:

Between 08 January and 30 April 2024, the park is OPEN every week between Wednesday and Sunday, with the following program on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday between 16:00 and 20:00 and on Saturday and Sunday between 12:00 and 20:00 . The location is closed on Monday and Tuesday.

Outside of this program, the park opens, upon request, for a minimum of 10 participants in climbing activities/children's parties. Appointments at phone number +40720444526.

Tursib route to Arka Park Indoor Sibiu, Bus no. 19, see program and route Frigoriferului station 3


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Indoor Climbing Sibiu

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