Parties for children Indoor Climbing  Sibiu

Parties for children


Activities involving adventure are interesting, fun and offer an unforgettable experience.

Playground - Arka Park Indoor Climbing Sibiu is your fun partner, and at the center of the organized activities (children's party) is the game. Only through play can children develop, both socially and psychologically.

The Arka Park Indoor Climbing Sibiu location has 2 rooms reserved for parties.

Space 1 (closed space inside the location) - for a maximum number of 15 children;

Space 2 (the open space inside the location) - for a maximum number of 30 children;

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Parties for children Indoor Climbing  SibiuParties for children Indoor Climbing  SibiuParties for children Indoor Climbing  SibiuParties for children Indoor Climbing  SibiuParties for children Indoor Climbing  SibiuParties for children Indoor Climbing  SibiuParties for children Indoor Climbing  Sibiu

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